WilderHill Hydrogen Economy Index is made of companies worldwide whose innovative technologies help to advance hydrogen, fuel cells and the potential hydrogen economy.

It’s about smart new solutions that make ecological and economic sense.

Specifically this Index captures companies involved in green, renewable, and low-carbon hydrogen.

This includes improvements that can advance clean hydrogen generation, storage, conversion, its use in transportation, innovation, and zero-polluting fuel cells. Being a single basket, this Index naturally helps bring together deeply interconnected-themes.

Encompassing decarbonization and climate, H2X bridges a gap between sustainability aims – and the need for diverse, applied solutions. It’s transparent, science-driven, naturally reflects ecological thinking that also makes economic sense and is intended to be understandable and of use to everyone. It is a Benchmark for hydrogen and fuel cell action.

Latest Quarterly Report – The H2X is now one of 4 WilderHill Indexes

This Hydrogen Economy (H2X) passive thematic basket – vs. individual stocks:

  • Components & weights in H2X are all transparent;
  • Captures renewable, and low-carbon hydrogen solutions;
  • Purer-plays help naturally reflect new sustainability thinking;
  • Quarterly Rebalancings keep pace with this fast-changing theme;
  • Fits well with the respected Clean Energy ECO, Global NEX, Wind WNX;
  • WilderHill Reports since 2005 address these dynamic, decarbonization stories.